Children Ministry Update Sept. 2021
We sent out a survey a few weeks ago to all parents regarding re-opening of in-person class time at church. We have received most of the surveys back. Thank you for your feedback, as your inputs are important in helping us make proper plans that are conducive to the spiritual, mental and physical health of the children.
Considering the still very unstable COVID situation and most parents' preference, we decided to continue children program weekly online through Zoom until the end of 2021.
Class will maintain as:
Seedling Group (JK – Grade 2) weekly Sundays 11:15am – 12:00pm
Sprout Group (Grade 3 – 6) weekly Sundays 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Class this term will resume on Sunday September 26, which will be a special combined (Seedling + Sprout Group) back to school class at 2:00pm. More details to follow, new friends are welcome to join!!
For more information, please contact